Program Outcomes - Program-Specific Criteria (Revision Date: 15.03.2024)
PSC1: Theoretical knowledge on topics related to the field.
PSC2: Ability to utilize numerical knowledge in the field of finance.
PSC3: Ability to interpret economic and financial data.
PSC4: Proficiency in using at least one computer program that facilitates economic and financial analysis.
PSC5: Ability to develop solutions to problems encountered in finance based on acquired knowledge.
PSC6: With expertise in the functioning of economic and financial systems, the ability to propose policies and present approaches that contribute to the field.
Program Outcomes - General Criteria (Revision Date: 15.03.2024)
GC1: Knowledge of theories, concepts, and models in economics.
GC2: Knowledge of theories, concepts, and models in business administration.
GC3: Legal knowledge about businesses and financial markets.
GC4: Ability to record, report, and convey financial transactions of a business.
GC5: Application of analytical thinking skills, collaboration, and teamwork values in a professional work environment.
GC6: Having innovative, entrepreneurial, or critical thinking skills in the field and adopting lifelong learning behavior.
GC7: Proficiency in a language to follow developments in the field and communicate with peers.
GC8: Ability to evaluate topics related to the field from the perspectives of the universality of social rights, ethics, cultural values, or social responsibility.