Head of Department Message

Dear Students,

The role and importance of the financial services sector worldwide is increasing day by day with globalization, and the sector needs well-trained individuals.

The primary goal of our Department of Finance and Banking is to enhance the effectiveness of the financial sector and provide individuals who can meet the needs of the sector by educating students with both theoretical and practical knowledge and skills. To achieve this goal, our department establishes close contact with the sector to track its needs and aims to train individuals who can develop their innovative and analytical solutions to the recurring problems of the sector. The department also aims to raise awareness among students about environmental issues, ethical values, and social responsibility.

In our department, students who plan to work in the field of finance and banking receive both theoretical and practical education. The Department of Finance and Banking is designed to prepare students for careers in banks, brokerage firms, corporate accounting and finance departments, insurance companies, risk management, leasing, factoring, forfaiting, and other related fields.

In addition to our knowledgeable and friendly academic staff, experienced managers from the business world participate in classes or events to ensure that students are closely integrated with the business world. Additionally, the 30-day internship program aims to support theoretical knowledge with practical applications.

In summary, our department focuses on educating individuals who harmonize theory and practice related to financial transactions, understand financial concepts, have the ability to make quick decisions and think critically, and possess strong ethical and social qualities. In this context, we invite you to our Department of Finance and Banking to prepare you as qualified individuals needed in the banking and finance sector.

Head of Department
Prof. Dr. Kemal EYÜBOĞLU